A B O U T E V E N T H O N O R E E S J O U R N A L P H O T O S H O M E In honor of Moishe Silver Who works selflessly for Mayanot. Your unbelievable care and effort making Mayanot a success, is admirable! May Hashem bench you with lange gezunte yoren and much chassidishe nachas from all your children. Gala Gold Sponsor Moishe Silver Who works selflessly for Mayanot. Your unbelievable care and effort making Mayanot a success, is admirable! May Hashem bench you with lange gezunte yoren and much chassidishe nachas from all your children. Avrohom Silver, Moishe Silver, Shloime Simon and Mendy Simon In honor of Moishe Silver Who works selflessly for Mayanot. lievable care and effort making Mayanot a success, s admirable! May Hashem bench you with gezunte yoren and much chassidishe nachas from all your children. Avrohom Silver, Moishe Silver,