A B O U T E V E N T H O N O R E E S J O U R N A L P H O T O S H O M E Mazel Tov to our dear friends Simona and Hart for a well-deserved honor. They have enhanced the lives of so many through their generosity for the continuation of Yiddishkeit. We personally have all benefited by our children attending the excellent Hasten Hebrew Academy in Indianapolis. May they go from strength to strength. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Cotlar Mr and Mrs. David Farahan Mr. and Mrs. Benton Marks Quarter Page From the Cohen Sacks family Former alumni Chaim Cohen, Michael Mordechai Cohen and Raphi Sacks Thank you for all you do to further Yidishkeit, spread the wellsprings of Chassidus, and the teachings of our Rebbe. In honor of all of the teachers and Rabbis at Mayanot Anonymous Sponsor The best time spent in Jerusalem! Best wishes for continued growth and success. Shmuel and Tzirl Goldman