A B O U T E V E N T H O N O R E E S J O U R N A L P H O T O S H O M E THE MAYANOT WORLD CENTER WILL BE THAT HOME IT WILL PROVIDE A WARM COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENT AND A FOUNDATION FOR BUILDING A NEW GENERATION OF LEADERS, EMPOWERING THEM WITH THE KNOWLEDGE AND VALUES TO FACE THE CHALLENGES OF THE FUTURE . "MAY YOUR HOME BE OPEN TO ALL" P I R K E I A V O T 1 : 5 "During the time that I lived in Jerusalem, Mayanot was my spiritual home: a place of serious study and laughter that played host to a vibrant, inclusive, community. Rabbi Gestetner and the Mayanot teachers approach their work as teachers and spiritual mentors with a deep sense of awe, profound humility and disarming humor." Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, Journalist, Music Critic, New York City "During the time that I lived in Jerusalem, Mayanot was my spiritual home: a place of serious st dy and laughter that played host to a vibra t, inclusive, community. Rabbi Gestetner and the Mayanot teachers approach their work as teachers and spiritual mentors with a deep sense of awe, profound humility and disarming humor." Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim, Journalist, Music Critic, New York City