A B O U T E V E N T H O N O R E E S J O U R N A L P H O T O S H O M E 1997 2000 2002 2008 MILESTONES 1997 – The Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies is established by Rabbi Shlomo Gestetner and Rabbi Kasriel Shemtov at the helm, founded on the ideas of holistic and applied learning, and combining the intellectual and spiritual traditions of Judaism. 2000 – Partnering with Birthright, Mayanot brings 200 participants to Israel in the first session, and over a decade later having brought 55,000 students, with high approval ratings from participants and the Birthright organization. 2002 – The first educational center is established, located at 28 David Yellin Street, adding a slew of new and exciting programs to Mayanot’s repertoire, with short and long term program options, as the student body continues to grow. 2008 – As the demand for a highly academic women’s learning program becomes apparent; the Mayanot Women’s Campus opens its doors, creating a unique opportunity for women to learn Gemara, Chassidut, and a broad range of classical Jewish texts.