A B O U T E V E N T H O N O R E E S J O U R N A L P H O T O S H O M E To Rabbi Gestetner, Rabbi Shemtov and the entire Mayanot Staff, We thank you for your unreserved dedication to building the Jewish Future emanating from Jerusalem. The number of souls you have ignited to Torah in your Yeshivot and Shul, the Birthright students you have exposed to a deeper connection with Israel, the couples that have met, married and had their own families across all of it and all of the Jews who have returned to their roots due to your efforts over many decades are large and unknown. We pray that each and every one should be a credit to you and your wonderful families in the Books of Heaven. With awe and gratitude at your accomplishments and with a blessing of much more to come! The Exigent Team Education & Leadership Sponsor